Saturday Vigil: 5:15PM | Sundays: 8AM, 10AM, 12 Noon
Mon-Fri: 8AM | Saturday 9:00AM
Confessions: Saturday 8:15-8:50AM | 4-4:45PM
St Agnes Roman Catholic Church
Everyone is Welcome in God's House.
By site admin
*Click on the Bulletin Icon to view all events happening at St. Agnes Church.
MASS CARDS are available at the Parish Office during our regular business hours.
Note: Daily Mass on Labor Day will be celebrated at 9 AM.
On Saturday, September 7, the Most Reverend Christopher Cooke, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia will celebrate the 5:15 PM Vigil Mass at St. Agnes. All are invited to attend the Mass and a Reception in the parish social hall immediately following the Mass.
St. John Paul II Adoration Chapel: Adoration is continuous from 9 AM Tuesday through 12 Noon on Friday.
1st Friday Evening Holy Hour: 6pm-7pm We will be offering a monthly holy hour on the 1st Friday of each month to pray for Vocations. Specifically we will be praying for young people to be open to the vocation/calling that the Lord has for them as a priest, religious (brother or sister), diaconate, marriage or single life. We ask you to pray for those who have discerned, and are preparing for or already living out these vocations to be faithful to this calling they have received from God.
Prayers for Vocations: Please come and join us at 9:30 AM each 1st Sunday of the month to pray the Rosary for vocations. All are welcome to join us before the 10 AM Mass in the church.
445 N. Main Street
Sellersville, PA 18960
Phone: 215-257-2128
Fax: 215-257-4561
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