Saturday Vigil: 5:15PM | Sundays: 8AM, 10AM, 12 Noon
Mon-Fri: 8AM | Saturday 9:00AM
Confessions: Saturday 8:15-8:50AM | 4-4:45PM
St Agnes Roman Catholic Church
Everyone is Welcome in God's House.
Contact: Sharon Shuster, 215-622-6099 or email
Come and join our outstanding family of Catechists who provide faith formation and information to the students and adults who participate in our many parish programs. You can, by being a witness to our faith, be the inspiration to someone as they travel life’s path. The treasure of your time and talent in our parish’s many programs will be of immeasurable reward to all. Training, seminars, workshops and retreats are provided for all catechists and their families. As with all our formation programs for children, the appropriate clearances must be gathered for all adult volunteers. Please contact the Director of Religious Education regarding the required clearances.
Contact: Carissa Pluta, email
Moms in any stage of motherhood with their children are welcome to join Mothers’ Circle. We meet Wednesday mornings in the cafeteria of the St. Agnes Religious Education Building from 9:45 am to 11:30 am during the school year. If you are looking for a way to meet others in our parish, find out more about our faith, encourage other moms in their vocation of motherhood, then this is for you.
Contact: Maryanne Tucker, 484-553-6107 or email
St. Agnes Parish conducts a Marriage Preparation program for engaged couples twice a year, once each in the fall and spring. It is a one day session comprised of talks and discussions given by married couples who have been specially trained by the Archdiocese. The day provides valuable opportunities to share about married life. It considers areas such as couple communication, adjustments, in laws, natural family planning, sexuality, and spirituality. The workshop fulfills the Archdiocesan requirement of attending a marriage preparation program. As a part of the St. Agnes Pre-Cana program, we also administer the Archdiocesan approved FOCCUS instrument questionnaire. FOCCUS is designed primarily to be a facilitative instrument, raising questions and identifying concern areas for couples so that they can think about and discuss them. It is not intended to be a test, but just a communication tool for the couple. The engaged couple meets privately in the home of the Deacon and his wife for FOCCUS.
Sacramental Preparation for Baptism
Parish Secretary: 215-257-2128 Ext. 10
Contact: Deacon Harry Tucker, 215-257-5918 or email
St. Agnes Parish conducts a Baptism Preparation program for parents and godparents once each month. It is a one hour session comprised of information about the sacrament and the roles of parents and godparents.
Arrangements for Baptism are made by contacting the Parish Secretary at 215-257-2128 Ext. 10 who will provide parents with an information packet which addresses frequently asked questions. The Parish Secretary also registers the participants for the Pre-Jordan Program.
Contact: Sharon Shuster, 215-622-6099 or email
PREP is a process of faith formation for children of our parish families in grades one through seven who attend public school. Children attending PREP receive formal instruction in our catholic faith so they may come to a greater knowledge of all our faith offers us. PREP classes support parents in preparing their children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. This time of preparation assists parents as they renew their own faith by studying with their children and by their attendance at sacrament parent meeting. Our parish PREP classes are staffed by catechists who serve in this teaching ministry of the church by volunteering their time teaching our parish children about our faith in a classroom environment. Our PREP classes are vibrant, faith-filled sessions assisting our children as they grow in love and knowledge of God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
St. Agnes has a pro-active Respect Life Committee. In addition to having a great concern for the welfare of the precious unborn and its mother, members have a strong commitment to serving people in all stages of life. Through our diverse activities we have endeavored to support a variety of charitable organizations and facilities. The Respect Life Committee is proud to be a part of the St. Agnes community and to serve as a link between our generous fellow parishioners and those in need. The Respect Life Committee welcomes and encourages all parishioners to be an active member of our Respect Life Activities by supporting all “Life Issues” through prayers, donations, time and talents.
Volunteer Opportunities:
March for Life
Spiritual Adoption Program
Respect Life Sunday
Mothers Day Rose Sale
Vigils for Life
Voter Registration
Contact: Deacon Raymond Thuel, 215-421-9767
RCIA is an “inquiry process” for those who seek to know more about the Catholic faith. Those who are not baptized and seek to enter into a journey of conversion, and those who are baptized in a denomination other than Roman Catholic and seek to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, are invited and encouraged to enter RCIA. Any adult who is baptized Catholic but has not been catechized (instructed) in the faith and has not received the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist or Confirmation are also invited to participate in RCIA and prepare to receive these sacraments.
Contact: Benjamin Pluta, 267-429-5563 or email
As an international apostolate FOCUS missionaries seek to grow a culture of discipleship wherever they are sent by winning souls to Jesus Christ through authentic friendship and witness, building those souls up in intimacy with God, and sending them to reach other souls in the same way. FOCUS missionaries primarily lead Bible studies and small group discipleship groups centered both on making Christ the center of life and also reaching new souls for Christ; in addition to these groups, FOCUS missionaries facilitate ample opportunities to grow in fellowship with fellow parishioners. If interested in joining a Bible study or discipleship group, contact Ben Pluta.
The mission of this ministry is three-fold. To promote and support – 1. Each one of us is called to holiness (The Universal Call to Holiness) – each person is called by God to be in relationship with God and is called to live a holy life. 2. Each one of us has a special calling from God – God calls us to know Him, to love Him and serve Him. We are called to discern God’s will for our lives whether it is to the Priesthood, Religious Life as a Brother or Sister, to Marriage, to the Diaconate (as a Deacon) or to the Single Life, and then to respond by following God through this calling/vocation. 3. The Work of Discernment – God calls those He chooses for a particular holy work. As God calls each of us to a unique calling, it is the work of the Parish Vocation Ministry, and of all of us in our parish and Church community to promote, encourage, and support one another, especially young people in their discernment of God’s calling for their lives. Our work as a committee and as a parish is to first and foremost pray, and then to promote and offer activities that create a fertile environment so that God can plant the seed, and the Holy Spirit can water that seed in the hearts of individuals. Progress and transformation happen in God’s time; it is the work of the Vocation Ministry, our parish groups/organizations and each of our parishioners to promote the 3-fold mission of this ministry so that we prepare the way for the Lord our God to bring the harvest. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office
Contact: Maryanne Tucker 484-553-6107
Email: [email protected]
One of the practical ways we serve people is through providing dinner meals during difficult or challenging moments in their lives. This is a very tangible way to care for and serve those in our St. Agnes family. It can also serve as a powerful witness to the love of Christ to a friend or family member in need. Romans 12:10 “be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” There are any number of challenging moments that an individual or family may face where meals would help ease the burden. A few examples: bringing home a new baby; having a family member in the hospital; a family member recovering at home from surgery or illness; the death of a loved one; a new family has just moved into the area. If you would like to be placed on the email list to help provide a meal when a family is in need or if you know of a family in need, please contact Maryanne Tucker.
Contact: Sharon Shuster, 215-622-6099 or email
Summer is an ideal time to offer a faith-based, fun-filled and exciting time for children. VBS offers a stimulating, often Scripture based, program for children that is as attractive as all other activities in which they might participate during the summer. Adults of the parish also have an opportunity to become involved in a hands-on approach to the Catholic Christian education of our children. No experience is necessary. Any adult or young adult (ages fourteen to…) can become part of this exciting experience. Look in the parish Sunday bulletin beginning in March for more information on VBS.
445 N. Main Street
Sellersville, PA 18960
Phone: 215-257-2128
Fax: 215-257-4561
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