Saturday Vigil: 5:15PM | Sundays: 8AM, 10AM, 12 Noon
Mon-Fri: 8AM | Saturday 9:00AM
Confessions: Saturday 8:15-8:50AM | 4-4:45PM
St Agnes Roman Catholic Church
Everyone is Welcome in God's House.
Contact: Deacon Harry Tucker (215) 257-5918 or email
Altar Servers are Parish children who assist at Sunday Masses, weddings, and special devotions. Boys and girls who have received First Holy Communion are eligible to serve. Altar Server training for school students is held on Saturdays in the fall with Deacon Tucker. Please watch the bulletin for specific dates.
Adult Servers assist at Funeral Masses. Contact the Parish Office (215-257-2128) to obtain information about training as an Adult Server.
Contact: Donna Benner (215) 249-9042 or email
The mission of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Catholic Charismatic Renewal is to encourage in the Church, the life filled grace of “Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5),” which empowered the members of the early Church at Pentecost. Here at St. Agnes Church we aspire to fulfill this mission through participation in weekly prayer meetings where people of all ages, especially families, worship our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. We praise Him through music, song, and prayer. By experiencing His presence; this helps us to keep Him with us in our daily lives. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the Daily Mass Chapel, where gifts of the Holy Spirit are expressed in community prayer.
Contact: Natalie Schmolk (215) 257-7924 or email
The Extraordinary Ministers of Communion primary role is to take Holy Communion to those confined to the home or in the hospital, to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and expose and repose the Blessed Sacrament for worship outside of Mass. Another function of such ministers is to help with the imposition of blessed ashes on Ash Wednesday and the Blessing of Throats on St. Blaise Feast Day. Through this service, the faith of the Extraordinary Ministers of Communion can grow and deepen.
Candidates are nominated and screened by the Parish Pastoral Council and, upon recommendation by the council, can, with the approval of the Pastor, be considered for appointment by the Archbishop to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. This special ministry is to be exercised only within St. Agnes Parish.
Appointees attend a diocesan training workshop and receive additional orientation at the parish. After training is completed, they are commissioned at Mass as Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. The appointment, sometimes renewable, is for an initial period of three years.
Contact: Director of Liturgical Music, Rebecca Homer email
St. Agnes’ liturgical music ministry covers a broad range of liturgical styles. There is a place for you if you’d like to share your gift of song or your instrumental music.
The Traditional Choir (Adult Choir) practices on Tuesday evenings at 7:30-9:00 pm in the church from September – June. New voices are always welcome! Please contact the Music Coordinator or just stop in at practice.
Contemporary Choir uses a contemporary style to lead the congregation in singing hymns and responses at Mass. They practice on Thursday nights and sing the first Sunday of the month (October through June) at 10:00 AM and some major holidays. The group is always seeking new members who enjoy singing or who play wind or string instruments. Contact Jeremy Shipman at 215-258-2331 or email [email protected] to share your talents.
Children’s Choir meets for practice on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 PM to 7:15 PM in the church during the school year. Children in grades 2 through 8 are invited to participate. Please contact the Music Coordinator.
Teen Choir – Teens in grades 9 through 12 are invited to participate as well as musicians wanting to accompany the group. Please contact the Music Coordinator.
Cantors role is to facilitate the full participation of the assembly by leading the singing of Acclamations and hymns as well as to proclaim the Responsorial Psalm at Liturgy. If you are interested in preparing for this Ministry, please contact the Music Coordinator.
Contact: Deacon Harry Tucker (215) 257-5918 or email
Readers are men and women who proclaim the Word of God at Mass and at other liturgical services. Readers are scheduled on a rotating basis. Training programs are provided by the parish for all new readers. Please contact Deacon Tucker if you would be interested in this special way to serve our parish.
Contact: Deacon R. Lyle Benner 215-249-9042 or email
St. Agnes Men of Faith encourages men to form vital relationships with other men in small groups that meet weekly. The purpose of forming these relationships is to share our faith, difficulties and struggles, to hold each other accountable, to encourage one another and to equip us for Christian service. Our Lord has called us to be holy, and so we strive to become godly husbands and fathers at home and salt and light in the workplace. We meet weekly on Saturday mornings in the social hall meeting room at 7:00 am. At the meetings, we start with a prayer, study a scripture passage and share with and encourage one another. We welcome men of all ages. If you are interested in joining, please give Phil a call.
Contact: Lisa Russo (215) 257-2043 or email
The St. Agnes Prayer Chain is a group of approximately 25 people who contact one another with the week’s current prayer requests. Requests are submitted either by telephone or by e-mail, and all requests are treated confidentially. Each member sets aside a certain amount of time each day to pray for the sick and for the special requests from St. Agnes parishioners. If you have a prayer request, or if you would like to join the Prayer Chain, please contact Lisa Russo at the above number or via the above listed e-mail address. Prayer requests can also be submitted through the Parish Website at Our mission is to serve God and support our Parish, its members, their families and friends and those we are made aware of through intercessory prayers of thanksgiving and petition.
St. Agnes Rosary Group meets at different times during the week. All are welcome. Check Sunday bulletin or parish Facebook page for changes.
Monday-6:30-7PM: Adoration Chapel-Scriptural Rosary. Contact Mary Becker 215 721-9306 or Lynne von Mechow 215 257-6147.
Friday – 11:30 AM: Flame of Love Rosary with Meditation meets every Friday at 437 Campus Drive, Perkasie. Contact: JoAnn porter 215-570-5413 or Lorraine Brady 267-371-9711.
Saturday-8:00 AM: Main Church-Scriptural Rosary. Contact Karen Bollinger 215 453-9937.
Contact: Deacon Ray Thuel 215-421-9767
St. Agnes Ushers are ministers of hospitality who greet and escort people to their seats at Mass and church functions. Ushers stand ready to assist anyone who might need help or who has special needs, to aid people in finding a seat and to inform those in the sanctuary of any urgent matters. They also take up collections in church and distribute parish literature and bulletins after Mass. St. Agnes encourages men and women to volunteer to become Ushers. If you are interested, contact the Parish Office for more information or talk to any Usher after the weekend Masses.
445 N. Main Street
Sellersville, PA 18960
Phone: 215-257-2128
Fax: 215-257-4561
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